
Have you heard its whispers

its echoes

as the sun’s rays dance

with the shadows of leaves?

the ocean’s pull for that which its current remembers

the wind and its longings

from the direction it came

stretching forward to the direction it came

Have you heard the groans

of your own


from below

the depths of your own

whom you know.


for something you know

but can not name

can not recall

swims beneath your consciousness

a spark between you and I.


Have you heard the echoes in the night

in spaces between sleep and wake

when structures of our world flex

structures created by us

taught us

to frame our world

understand our world

interpret our world.

In the flexing of structures

have you seen glimpses of truth?

Have you heard the echoes

of a bigger story

an earlier story

a beginning story?

Echoes allude to us

that true home eludes us

There was more than this.

There is more than this.







The flourishing of one

dependent upon the flourishing of all.

The flourishing of all

dependent upon the flourishing of each one.

Do we see each one

recognise the holy ground that is each one?

Goodness is relational

one entity with another entity

one entity with every other entity

cloud with autumn leaf

boy fossicking by the creek

his soil-dampened knees

with song of lorikeet

myself with the stones beneath my feet

the rock that offers me a seat.

Let me be still and acknowledge the rock has its place here

has its dignity here.


I am connected to you

as you are to me

and each other being

and every other thing

and this

this is our story

this is who we are 

who we’re called to be.




the flow

the dance

the sway

the relational space




I breathe peace.

Peace to you.


Let us hold space for one another.

Be still.

Recognise sacredness, one another.


I am home

but I am not home.

Holder of all things I am with you as I pilgrimage to you.

The veil’s torn and I do not see your face.

You are in me and beyond my grasp.

I am home

and I hear in the distance the echoes

in spaces between sleep and wake

of home

calling me home.
